Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What is this I keep hearing??

People savor my name in their mouths like sweet potato pie. I can't understand it. I try to remain low key, but the more I do the more I hear. If you don't like me SOOO much then why are you even worried about me. This school should offer a class about me with the way people keep trying to find out information. Their should be a section in the news paper about what I have said recently because everyone seems to be quoting me on shit I don't even know about. It's amazing!! If I died tomorrow bitches would have a book. I should start suing people for slander. The funny thing to me is that NO ONE (no matter how mature they claim to be LMAO) ever comes to me and asks me about it until months later. That is not effective communication people. Just ask me about what someone said I said and I will tell you if I said it or not and the twist they may have put on it. Dag that was confusing as hell. Just like all this drama. **SMH** bitches. O yea.... and if you are offended with me saying bitches..........then you are probably one of the bitches gargling my name in your mouth like nut. I'm sorry if you feel offended. Not really.
Ok that last part may have been a little over the top and I do apologize, but I am just tired of my name coming out of people's mouths. I be sitting there like WHAT? 4REAL? I DID THAT? DAMN HOW COME I DIDN"T TELL ME? You know what........I think I need a video blog because you all need to see my emotion.

1 comment:

  1. hell yea i wanna see the video blog
    funny as hell
