Friday, November 28, 2008

Real Housewives of Atlanta (Kim)

I was so relieved when I found out I wasn't the only one that heard Kim (the white girl) spell cat as "kat". Why the heck didn't Sherray correct her? I guess she did a double take like I did and was just floored like WOW!! I'm surprised I didn't hear anyone talking about it on the news or anything. I guess "big poppa" likes him some dumb women. I guess when she is just a woman on the side it doesn't matter. I just can't believe that shit. "kat" LMAO. I think I stopped breathing for a few seconds when she said that. And the producer Dallas was on there and he looked at her ass too. But no one said anything. I guess it's because we all thought that she was smart. She wasn't like a Paris Hilton or a Jessica Simpson where you just awaited the next dumb thing. WOW is all I can say. WOW. And the dumb chick is probably still spelling the word wrong because no one corrected her ass. LMAO and someone needs to tell her to get a new wig that fully matches her hair color.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What is this I keep hearing??

People savor my name in their mouths like sweet potato pie. I can't understand it. I try to remain low key, but the more I do the more I hear. If you don't like me SOOO much then why are you even worried about me. This school should offer a class about me with the way people keep trying to find out information. Their should be a section in the news paper about what I have said recently because everyone seems to be quoting me on shit I don't even know about. It's amazing!! If I died tomorrow bitches would have a book. I should start suing people for slander. The funny thing to me is that NO ONE (no matter how mature they claim to be LMAO) ever comes to me and asks me about it until months later. That is not effective communication people. Just ask me about what someone said I said and I will tell you if I said it or not and the twist they may have put on it. Dag that was confusing as hell. Just like all this drama. **SMH** bitches. O yea.... and if you are offended with me saying bitches..........then you are probably one of the bitches gargling my name in your mouth like nut. I'm sorry if you feel offended. Not really.
Ok that last part may have been a little over the top and I do apologize, but I am just tired of my name coming out of people's mouths. I be sitting there like WHAT? 4REAL? I DID THAT? DAMN HOW COME I DIDN"T TELL ME? You know what........I think I need a video blog because you all need to see my emotion.

Brad and Angelina

I know Brad is fed up. Every time he throws back another one he says to himself 'damn this bitch is pregnant again........I can't believe this'. Then, he requests another drink. LMAO. Hey Brad, you can fix that with a little snip and she would never know. AND, the tabloids are saying that you are about to adopt AGAIN. LMAO. It's like a cattle farm over there. Forget all that adopting and stuff. Just do what Oprah did and build a school. Or just stop Angelina from traveling. That way she can't meet anymore foreign children to adopt. So by this time next year when she is ready to make another addition .......... just remember..........IT'S ONLY A SNIP AWAY!!!! I know he wishes he would have stayed with Jenn.......too late now are TRAPPED!!!!!!!! She put that pretty pussy on YA

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

5-hour energy

I so just took an energy shot and I'm going. It makes me type so fast. It reminds me of this book I read where this lady was on crack and the crack helped her at this temp job where she had to type because she couldn't keep still. This is kind've what my hands feel like right now. I just keep typing because I can't think of what to write. I have kind've stopped shaking. This stuff is serious but it is going to help me with my all-nighter that I am about to pull for this exam tomorrow. I have been studying since last week but still have mad shit to cover. Who the fuck puts nine chapters on an exam? I better not fail this shit.

Steve Hansen

I can't say bad stuff about Steve because he makes me laugh. Steve you make any PMS wednesday a dream. He can be a jerk but he is funny as hell so that cancel out everything. SHAWTY STEVE is the SHIZZNITTZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This needs to stop

I wish that I could freeze time. I'm so tired of it. I don't mind being to work by 7:30 a.m.
But it becomes a problem when there is a fire drill at 2:36 a.m. and I don't get back to my room until 3:11 a.m. and then I can't get back to sleep until 4 a.m. and THEN my drunk friends are texting me in between and my phone is my alarm for in the morning. I make a motion that there should be no fire drills after 12 a.m. and if someone pulled it I wish I knew who it was. That way one day when I get my gun license I can shoot the person that did. If only you knew the cuddly snuggly feeling I had. My eyelids felt so good. You woulda thought I was on e or sumtn with the way my rough as pillow felt. I was probably going to drool last night. Then, it happened. I thought I was dreaming. I was like what the fuck I know I'm not having another nightmare. But it was worse than a nightmare. It was reality. That motherfucking fire alarm was going off. I still wanted to deny it but my roomates were getting up and putting on clothes. I couldn't see because I left my glasses at home and didn't feel like putting my contacts back in. I wanted to cut someone. This chick bumped into me. I wanted to go off but then I had to say to myself 'Yo you can't see shit and you have on chinese slippers'. Then, when it was time to go back in I had left my i.d. upstairs. Everyone who had left their i.d. had to go to the left. And the person that told me to go to the left........I see him almost every fucking day on a say hello with name basis. Five minutes of my life was really wasted. So I woke up this morning when my alarm went off and I felt like someone beat the shit out of me. I don't know how that feels but I imagine if it was to happen to me it would feel like that. I felt like I had given up on life. So I called in late. THEN........when I got up to get ready I had rosey boxer shorts. WTF. No wonder I was craving that brownie last nite. So now I'm at work and as usual my co-worker calls me to switch with him so he can sit next to his boy friend. Don't you fucking live together or something. You are with each other all the fucking time. I hate the computer lab in the morning. If I was the two people before you to see their i.d. what the fuck makes you think I'm not going to ask you the same question. I don't give a fuck if you have on MSU logo shit. I don't care if you pregnant. That could be a bomb. I don't care if you Dr. Susan Coles. I want to see your i.d. or I will x5222 your ass. That's right TOP FLIGHT of the WORLD. This one chick had like 100 fucking cards in her wallet. WTF you're like 20. Some of these people don't even know what their school i.d. looks like. I hope we have a bomb threat so someone can ask them for their i.d. and they can get escorted off the campus for not having it. irresponsible. I'm not gonna say the other thing that I wanted to say with that. I'm PMSing. People trying to slide in without signing's not going down like that. Y'all dumb mothafuckas made it here some how and I know you can read so shut up the bitching and moaning draw a squiggle on the line and show me your i.d. And can someone plz tell me what is up with these chicks that looked JACKED UP but they had time to but on make-up. And why can't people work the fucking AUTOMATIC stapler. Could we make it any easier!!!!!!!!! And why does this 6 foot 4inches lady have on heels. I'm done. I want something to eat with lots of syrup.

Funny YouTube Videos You Should Def. Check Out

There is no particular order, but here is a list of some funny and shocking youtube videos that you should watch. Your welcome!

I will add more to the list as they come along so check back :)

1. girl gets owned by desert eagle
2.Funny Wedding - this preacher is getting married and catches the holy ghost bloopers: worst best man ever
4.backflip gone wrong - kid back flips of of a vending machine and gets FUCKED UP

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Family Wars

In this post I would like to comment about about brother and stepfather fighting in their underwear. That shit is homo as hell. I wouldn't even want to see Taye Diggs and Will Smith fighting in their underwear. The thought of their nuts touching one another makes me want to puke. Males need to grow up. And if you don't want to do that.............Please put on some pants before your private parts touch another mans private parts...........that shit is nasty

Which story should I tell?

Well the Hitler one is boring to me now so I'm just going to tell you guys about the other one. But wait before I get into that ........... this just in((((((((((((((..............the mothafucka on his phone in the computer lab just made another motherfucking call............and he has the tone sound on his buttons...........who the fuck does that............)))))))))))))))

ok now back to the scheduled i'm at work the other night and this chick comes into the computer lab...........or actually I think she was there before I got there but that is besides the I'm sitting there at the desk minding my business and she is breaking her neck to turn around and look at me............anybody who knows me knows that when people look at me for no stated reason it pisses me off so bad..........especially when I don't know she is ill grilling me like my little brother when I make him eat his lunch...........then she gets up and she leaves.............I feel better because now this chick is not looking at me............then SHE COMES BACK.............goes to the same seat and is STILL LOOKING AT ME...........and this is not the first time that I have seen her...........I don't even know if I want to know who she is.............but I do want to know why the fuck she keeps looking at me


So I'm sitting here in the computer lab and obviously I pick the wrong seat.
This guy that is sitting next to me just keeps calling people on his phone. It is rather annoying.
He just likes to hear himself talk and brag about himself. Me, being too lazy to move, is just sitting here yelling to myself 'WOULD YOU PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP!!' The first convo was okay. But after he finished that one and decided he need to call someone else I got ticked off. Then after that convo was over he wanted to call someone else. I wonder if he is reading the screen out of the corner of his eyes as I type this post about how much he pissed me the fuck off just now. Thank goodness he is finally off the phone because I don't like his voice and his breath smells weird.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Guys *SMH*

This guy is in the computer lab all loud talking about MY MANS SMASHED THIS CHICK ON THE COVER OF KING......das CRAZY....blah blah blah

My whole thing is MY DUDE.........IT WASN'T HAHAHHAHHAHAHHA

Honesty Box

Is the honesty box really honest?
Are you really being honest with someone if they do not know that it is you?
Anyway, you can guess already, [YES] someone hit me up in my honesty box.
It was a guy because it was marked blue. He said "you are a ghetto hood chick".
Was this supposed to anger me. I just told him that I will continue to stick my head even farther up my ass. IDIOTS. The fact that it was a guy is even worse (if it even was a guy). When did guys turn into such bithces. BYTCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is to all the bitch ass men out there crying over spilled milk. Grow a sack you suckers. Being worried about me it not going to get you anywhere because at the end of the day YOU ARE NOT on my mind. But, I guess that is how people continue to confirm the fact that I am special. Thank you for clocking me. Please continue to do so and I will not cease to amaze ;)


So this guy friends me on FB and we only have one friend in common. And the one friend that we we have in common is not even someone that I know directly. I met her through a heated debate that stemmed from a note on FB. So how weird is that right that he friends me. So anyway after I accept the friend request he asks me where my school is. WTF?? FB is not a pervert chat line space like myspace. So I gave him attitude for asking and deleted his ass. You fucking weirdo. He should have googled that shit. I will have your ass featured on dateline. People piss me off.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


People say the dumbest shit and I wonder 'why?'.

How do these people function in every day life.

Here is an example of one of the dumb things that I have heard in the last five minutes.

Girl to other girl: Umm how do you work this [automatic] stapler????????

And this one is not really dumb but it is annoying.

This guy comes up to me and says that he needs help with something.
I work in the computer lab at school so I say okay. He proceeds to pull out a
notebook and there are these two words in some other language.
"Can you help me pronounce these words?"

So of course I wanted to say you dumb fuck do I not look like an American.
Instead, I kept my cool and asked "what language is that?"
The words were greetings from two separate African tribes. Hmm so
should I know how to pronounce them because I am black. Does
everyone in Europe speak one language. NO, YOU FUCKING IDIOT.
Can you translate this fucking Russian story for me? I bet you can't.
Can you tell me what that slav just said you plain man from New York?

People are ridiculous.